CRGH is a non-denominational Gospel Hall and we follow the word of God in having a plurality of leadership in our overseers or elders. They provide spiritual leadership, guidance and pastoral care for the congregation, fostering spiritual growth and well-being. Within our shared commitment to a non-hierarchical structure, leadership is based on spiritual maturity and gifting, reflecting the belief in the priesthood of all believers. Additionally, our church benefits from the contributions of teachers, preachers, and ministry leaders who play vital roles in fostering spirtiual growth. Together, we aim to create a healthy and encouraging space for all, emphasizing the shared responsibility of each member in our Christian journey.

Robert Bennett
I grew up in a Christian family actively involved in Panton Hall, Cambridge. At the age of 8, as a result of attending a children’s mission I heard the gospel message preached from Romans 3:23, and I realized my need of a saviour and asked the Lord Jesus to forgive me and “come in to my heart”.At 17, I obeyed the Lord’s command and got baptized, joining Eden Strict Baptist Church, Cambridge.
For 38 years, I worked as a secondary school teacher, the last 19 as Deputy Headteacher in Ilford. My family and I found Christian fellowship at Collier Row Gospel Hall, where I’ve been an overseer since 1995. I lead the adult Bible Class on Sundays during school terms and serve as the Safe Guarding lead for the church.
I am married to Lois and we have three grown up children who are all married and going on well in the things of the Lord. All three, with their spouses are in fellowship in Assemblies in Scotland, Essex and Suffolk.

Ferranti Wong
Born into a non-believing traditional Chinese family in Hong Kong, I initially embraced my father’s atheistic philosophy despite attending a Christian school. However, in times of difficulty, I found myself instinctively praying. Though going back to my atheistic ways when the difficulties were resolved. It was during my dentistry studies in Dundee that a Christian companion explained the fundamental message of God’s absolute goodness and the need for Jesus’s sacrifice for salvation. This revelation challenged my father’s philosophy, leading me to accept the Lord as my saviour in 1980 and be baptized in Dundee. Through years of witnessing, my mother also found salvation.
My career as an academic in dentistry at Queen Mary University of London unfolded, and since 1989, I’ve found joyous fellowship at Collier Row Gospel Hall, where I’ve served on the oversight since 1993. I am happily married with two children, both baptized and trusting the Lord, I continue to preach, teach, and serve in the oversight. My elder child now works in a London hospital after leaving the nest.

Charles Williams
I’m originally from Kerala, India, and grew up in a Christian family where everyone was pretty involved in assembly life. Back then, I thought I was a good Christian just because I went to Sunday School and attended church regularly. But by the grace of God, He worked through my grandmother to break through my stubborn, self-righteous, sinful heart. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal saviour and got baptized in my early teens.
I later moved to the UK to pursue university and work. In 2011, my wife Milan and I joined the Collier Row Gospel Hall fellowship, and we’ve been in joyful fellowship ever since. God has blessed us with three young children and through His grace & help we are able to home educate them.
At the start of 2022, I was invited to join the overseers in serving the Lord and the assembly at Collier Row Gospel Hall. I happily accepted, and now I’m involved in pastoral care, Bible teaching, and Sunday School.